On the 8th and 9th August 2022 Pedagogical School and Municipal Art Gallery in Litomyšl cooperated on organizing a workshop for 16 school children, aged between 6 and 11 years old. The event was very enjoyable and prooved that the ERinF project participants acquired the fresco technology to the extend that they are able to complete successfully the...

Project story
Step by step and never ending
Public Display of Sgraffito
The members of Les Passeurs de Fresque presented the sgraffito that was created during the last group meeting in Troyes to the public. The Mayor of Troyes and 2 members of the National Assembly were present. The Passeurs explained the development of the sgraffito during the Champagne Festival in a prestigious cellar (Gaston Cheq).
The Final meeting was meant to finalise all necessary documents and administration, we also created and learnt a new technique - sgraffito. Although the materials and working process was similar to fresco painting, the new design appeared by scratching off the marble coating and creating a contrast between the two stucco layers. Everyone was...
Although the project is not finished yet it could proudly be presented to others who lead already or are interested in ERASMUS+ projects. The Czech national agency conducted a contact seminar for VET education in arts and crafts in Prague and asked for the presentation.
Post-production Meeting in Opole
The work on the website has to be continued as the project proceeds. Participants from Poland, France, Czechia and Germany met in Opole to finish texts, work on post-production of photos and videos, and to complete the project website. We consider the website to be our common documentation of the project's work, but we strived to produce extensive...
Fresco Course for Students in Opole
In April 2022, 45 students from Lycee number 5 created their first fresco on clay tiles (30x30 cm), guided and supported by members of the project team. The theme "Leaves" was successfully released in a very individualised, yet extremely creative form. In the future, the results will be on display in the school building.
Fresco Course for Students in Litomyšl
The project aims at preserving the ancient technique of painting a fresco. After the teachers have become more professional in painting a fresco the knowledge is handed over to the next generation. So students from the Czech school got to know the technique and the experience of bringing pigments onto lime. They made up their minds about "Me in...
Second Stage Evaluation Meeting
The project team met in Litomyšl for a week to summarize the outputs of the project so far, to plan for the following work, to continue on intensive conceptual work on the project website and to compose texts in languages of each participating country. A lot was done!
Digital Graphic Design Course in Litomyšl
An intensive digital graphic design course for students and teachers took place in VOŠP a SPgŠ Litomyšl. The lecturers introduced learners to the basics of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign application, which they immediately applied to specific tasks, for example, creating an invitation to a fresco workshop.
Fresco Course for Teachers
The Czech fresco team prepared a fresco workshop for their colleagues from VOŠPaSpGŠ in Litomyšl on the theme "Variety of birds". The 22 small frescoes were created on special bricks. They are presented in the interior of the school.

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